Take control of your tickets

Take control of your tickets

Piktical has created a disruptive solution for revolutionising the global ticketing industry. Our unique, patented technology provides a secure way to beat the bots, tackle the touts and put event organisers in control of their tickets.

Ticket touting, or scalping, is an international problem which affects nearly every ticketed industry in every corner of the globe, from sports to music concerts.


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The first step in tackling ticket touting is stopping touts from getting hold of tickets in the first place and we do this using PULSE - our human interaction verification process.


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In order to drive adoption, we intend to operate a ‘freemium’ model where basic features are free for consumers to use and more advanced features chargeable.


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We have worked hard to create a solution that works to the benefit of all parties involved. The real question is ‘what will it cost me if I DON’T use Piktical?’


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